Control Factors to Reduce the Cost of Tinplate Cans

At this stage, many can-making companies stray into the misunderstanding of low-price pursuit in purchasing iron materials. In fact, the real cost reduction is mainly to start with the basic materials of printed iron cans. In the process of cost control, we should pay close attention to the development trend and reasonable use of canning raw materials in order to ensure quality and reduce production costs. The basic materials for can making include: tinplate, printing ink, paint, etc., and tinplate is the biggest factor affecting the cost of can making.

Tinplate is also called tin-plated steel sheet. Its appearance has greatly changed the application of tinplate. The application feature of “thin instead of thick” reduces the amount of iron used and improves the quality of the material, which is more in line with the scientific development trend of contemporary metal packaging. Nowadays, tinplate is on the market. According to the area of ​​512mm*712mm, 0.20mm thick tinplate can print about 1700 sheets per sheet, while 0.23mm thick tinplate can print 1500 sheets, and the use of 0.20mm tinplate can eliminate 0.23mm tinplate. If you make iron boxes (cans) at a price of 6,400 yuan/ton, you can save about 850 yuan in iron costs. At present, due to the continuous innovation and advancement of domestic tinplate technology, tinplate with a thickness of 0.18mm has appeared and has begun to be widely used, so the prospects for cost reduction are more optimistic.

On the basis of tinplate, the finished product after incomplete tinning treatment is also a new type of iron box (can) material. The plastic film is tightly attached to the surface of the tinplate through a special melting process, which can not be compared with tinplate with paint Its excellent corrosion resistance and can-making performance is a relatively new type of can-making material.

The paint and ink needed in the tin-making can also have a significant impact on the cost of tin-making. Without a good coating and ink, it is impossible to have the actual use value of tinplate. The application of tinplate is also very particular about food tin cans. The surface should be food-grade gold oil that meets the national standard. The coating process and thickness of the coating must be strictly controlled to ensure the compactness of the coating, improve the corrosion resistance of the tin, and ensure the sanitation and safety of the packaged food.